Celebrate the long (long, long....) awaited arrival of Springtime, in time-honoured Faerie tradition. Join us at the Glo'Tel in Toronto to ring in Beltane this April!
The theme is once again "Through The Looking-Glass." Dress up as a favourite Alice in Wonderland character, bring your favourite poem from the Wonderland books, or just come as your wonderful self. There will be colourful Beltane ribbons, in place of a full-swing Maypole. Mingle with friends old and new. Catch a pixie in the garden.
We will be having a potluck in the backyard around 6 pm, so bring something eatable for sharing. BYOB. Vegetarian items preferred, allergy warnings appreciated (especially nuts.)
Saturday, April 29, 2-8 pm,
The Glo'Tel (Bloor and Gladstone, contact claro for exact location)

See you there!
"Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six
impossible things before breakfast!"
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