The aka Amber Fox gathering season has ended once again, and the Land will be cold & dark until May, when we gather together to celebrate Queen Vicky's birthday.
But fear not,
Faeries will frolic!!!
Thanks to the efforts of the indefatigable Demon Child Ryan, and to the generosity of the hosts (Paul, Dragon, LuLu, & the MudHouse gang), each month will feature a different Faerie event: parties, plays, potlucks, rituals, picnics, and even a midwinter Gatherette!
To kick off the "off season" in high gear, we are pleased to invite you all to the third annual Very Faerie Solstice Party:
A Very Faerie Solstice Party
Saturday, December 19th, 2015
8:00 pm to 2:00 am
in Toronto, Ontario
8:00 pm to 2:00 am
As always, the party will feature fun, fellowship, music (not to worry - we're having the piano tuned), Departure Lounge West, and the Ruby Balcony (aka Red Light District)!
Sweet & savoury snacks, coffees, teas, juice & soft drinks, and a festive holiday punch will be provided. Otherwise, it's BYOB. If you would like to contribute a vegetarian snack or dessert, you have our thanks.
So, for an evening of glitz, garlands & glamour, join your hosts Paul, DeeDee, & the Demon Child Ryan, at the infamous Vaseline Tower, in the heart of Toronto's queer village.