Victoria Day Gathering
Friday May 16 at 1pm to Monday May 19 at 4pm
on The Land aka Amber Fox
It's Vicky's birthday and the queens are celebrating!
![By Qvdm (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons Prince Albert Piercing](//
Why celebrate a dead queen's birthday you may well ask? I could talk about her influence on the Canadian identity (she gave royal assent to Confederation, plus we are all still a bit uptight because of her), or about her extensive reign, her political accomplishments, yada, yada, yada. Instead, let me just remind you that were it not for Queen V, we would not have had
the Prince Albert, or so urban legend would have us believe!
The Victoria Day long weekend marks the unofficial beginning of Canadian camping season, and the first safe date for planting to avoid frost. The Land will be coming awake with greening leaves and grass, and a multitude of spring flowers. All that is missing is you.
The Gathering begins and ends in Circle with short administrative and longer Heart Circles each morning.
Saturday night will feature the Know Talent Show. Can you sing, dance, recite a poem or play an instrument? If so, we would love to have you join us on stage! A bit shy but want to try? Talk to the show's organizers and they will be sure to find a suitable role for you. More of a watcher than a performer? An appreciative audience is the other essential ingredient for this ever-popular event!
Other events will be both planned and spontaneous, and as always, the Foxy Boutique stands ready to meet all of your dress up, drag and costuming needs.
The meals are vegetarian, communal and delicious. The Erection contains a fully appointed kitchen, and we are always looking for chefs, assistants, and learners. So whether you want to plan a whole meal, create a single dish, or help chop ingredients, we've got you covered!
As well as contributions with the chores that keep the Land running, we rely on contributions to the Purse for food, fuel for the pump & lawn mowers, propane for the fridge & stove, paint, materials for repairs, paper products and all our other mundane needs. We use an honour system with a suggested contribution of $25 per night, more if you can or less if you can't. For example, if you are coming for the whole Gathering (3 nights) we suggest a $75 contribution, and we find most people give between $40 and $100. No one is turned away for lack of funds, but we ask that you contribute
something, even if you can only afford a few dollars. It is also helpful if you can make your contribution near the beginning of the Gathering, as that is when most of the shopping is done.
It may be a bit chilly, but don't worry, the Land will keep everyone warm. The Erection is heated, bonfires will make us toasty and the sauna is always steamy. Tenting may be cool, and some will opt for snuggling in the Bunkhouse. Remember to check the
weather forecast and bring appropriate clothes and a warm sleeping bag along with your
usual gear.

If you are a member of our
Facebook Group, you can RSVP to the
Facebook Event. Otherwise, please
email to let us know that you are coming.
So join us for V's Day, and don't forget your