Hey guys, the weather looks good, sunny for the Lumberjack weekend, November 4 - 6, 2011. Some tips for your visit to AmberBEAR this weekend...
1. Bring warm clothes (socks, sweaters, longjohns can be fun) and a flashlight
2. If camping in a tent with an air mattress, bring a blanket to put under the mattress, this will help keep you warm.
3. This is a lumberjack weekend so the menu includes meat.
4. The water line is down for the winter, no showers. You can however sponge bath or use the sauna! Maybe someone will assist you!
5. Bring you fabulous plaid lesbian undies, your outfits, if you dont have any, the foxy boutique can help.
6. Bring your song on a cd or mp3 so we can play it for the Know Talent Show
7. If you don't have a talent you want to perform, no problem cause you could be recruited for someone else's show or you can be an enthusiastic audience member.
8. Leave the bug spray at home, the 'squitos and things have hidden away!
9. Its $60 for the weekend or $35 for Saturday only. More if you can, less if you are a little strapped now. We won't turn anyone away.
10. Your good humour and gay spirit will make it a great weekend.
A circle of gay and queer men centred on the Land that sustains and nurtures our fae spirits.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Friday, September 09, 2011
Update on the Land!
The Land, AKA Amberfox. There are many little and not so little projects to enhance the Land and preserve what is there.
Here are some of the projects the caretakers of the Land will be undertaking in the next couple of years...
Turn the Big Barn into a usable performance and play space. The big barn use to be a Dance and Party space back in the 70's. Can you imagine what that was like! Since then it has become largely a storage depot and birds have made it a little mucky inside. To date we have begun mucking out the barn. The barn has been made bird proof (we hope) and we have gotten rid of a good deal of "junk".
We envision the barn having a structure built inside. This structure would include a floor, walls and windows. It would make a large performance, play and dance space. The added benefit would also see more indoor space for gatherings during inclement weather.
To help extend the season of gatherings we also will need to improve the roadway. This will mean a little levelling and more gravel. We expect this to happen over the next couple of years.
We have received a donation of a Wind Turbine. The turbine will require some additional parts to make it functional. This will help in keeping the Land off the grid. The wind turbine could help provide power to the Meditation Hut and or the big barn and new space we are creating there!
Many of you will know of the many trails on the Land. Sadly this last year the trails were a little neglected. Next year we hope to change that. Part of the problem was that we have had a few lawn mower problems, despite the great efforts of Dew Sparkle to keep them going. That has changed as we now have a three mowers that are ready to go, including one brand new mower. The Weed whack-er is also fully tuned up and ready to roll.
Painting! This never really ends but is necessary if we want to keep what we have from rotting and falling apart. The Erection and Outhouse will require painting next year. There is also the Departure Lounge art project. Much remains to be done inside to finish the ceiling mural and special effects lighting.
Of course we are going ahead with the completion of the Meditation Hut in the spring. This will provide a space many of us have been wanting for some time. It's location near the "wishing Tree" is perfect and will afford us a place to be spiritual on our own or together. The space will be multi - use but primarily a spiritualist 'retreat'.
The gate to the Land was fixed this year. We hope to restore the fence on both sides in the near future. Much of the wood is still there, we just have to put it back together. This will make the approach to Land that much more inviting.
Our ceremonial fire pit space needs a little TLC. This is where we hold many of our extravagant fire rituals. The area needs to be mowed well and need to do some fire proofing to prevent the chance of sparks igniting in the surrounding areas causing a fire we can not control.
This year we held the first ever Beltane and the second May Pole event on the Land. You may recall last year we had a may pole at the Victoria Day gathering. That May Pole has since been moved to the big Fire Space. At Beltane this year we created a new place for our may pole. This space has been whipper whacked and mowed a few times. To keep the space (ie tame it a little) we need to mow it regularly and fill some of the holes in the ground with soil. Its much easier too go around a may pole when the ground is level.
Finally, a must for next year. There needs to be a new hole for the out house. This means we need to DIG! We have moving of the outhouse down to a Ritual you simply must see. Its fun and of course very spiritual.
The caretakers of the Land will look after much of this list of projects . Its not the intent to have Fae ones do all of this. There will be a direct benefit for all of us when these projects are completed. You may find one or more of the projects of interest. The goal is to maintain what is there, enhance the space for all of our enjoyment and ensure the Land continues to be a welcoming space for Fae ones into the future.
Don't be daunted by this list, many are simple projects, others will take a few years to happen.
Amberfox has seen a resurgence in the last two years and I am sure many of you are excited about this. Don't forget we have the Thanksgiving gathering October 7 - 10. We have many squash and pumpkins growing on the Land which should make for great meals and of course a few left over for carving and a ritual rolling carved pumpkins down the hill event at the end of the gathering!
Here are some of the projects the caretakers of the Land will be undertaking in the next couple of years...
Turn the Big Barn into a usable performance and play space. The big barn use to be a Dance and Party space back in the 70's. Can you imagine what that was like! Since then it has become largely a storage depot and birds have made it a little mucky inside. To date we have begun mucking out the barn. The barn has been made bird proof (we hope) and we have gotten rid of a good deal of "junk".
We envision the barn having a structure built inside. This structure would include a floor, walls and windows. It would make a large performance, play and dance space. The added benefit would also see more indoor space for gatherings during inclement weather.
To help extend the season of gatherings we also will need to improve the roadway. This will mean a little levelling and more gravel. We expect this to happen over the next couple of years.
We have received a donation of a Wind Turbine. The turbine will require some additional parts to make it functional. This will help in keeping the Land off the grid. The wind turbine could help provide power to the Meditation Hut and or the big barn and new space we are creating there!
Many of you will know of the many trails on the Land. Sadly this last year the trails were a little neglected. Next year we hope to change that. Part of the problem was that we have had a few lawn mower problems, despite the great efforts of Dew Sparkle to keep them going. That has changed as we now have a three mowers that are ready to go, including one brand new mower. The Weed whack-er is also fully tuned up and ready to roll.
Painting! This never really ends but is necessary if we want to keep what we have from rotting and falling apart. The Erection and Outhouse will require painting next year. There is also the Departure Lounge art project. Much remains to be done inside to finish the ceiling mural and special effects lighting.
Of course we are going ahead with the completion of the Meditation Hut in the spring. This will provide a space many of us have been wanting for some time. It's location near the "wishing Tree" is perfect and will afford us a place to be spiritual on our own or together. The space will be multi - use but primarily a spiritualist 'retreat'.
The gate to the Land was fixed this year. We hope to restore the fence on both sides in the near future. Much of the wood is still there, we just have to put it back together. This will make the approach to Land that much more inviting.
Our ceremonial fire pit space needs a little TLC. This is where we hold many of our extravagant fire rituals. The area needs to be mowed well and need to do some fire proofing to prevent the chance of sparks igniting in the surrounding areas causing a fire we can not control.
This year we held the first ever Beltane and the second May Pole event on the Land. You may recall last year we had a may pole at the Victoria Day gathering. That May Pole has since been moved to the big Fire Space. At Beltane this year we created a new place for our may pole. This space has been whipper whacked and mowed a few times. To keep the space (ie tame it a little) we need to mow it regularly and fill some of the holes in the ground with soil. Its much easier too go around a may pole when the ground is level.
Finally, a must for next year. There needs to be a new hole for the out house. This means we need to DIG! We have moving of the outhouse down to a Ritual you simply must see. Its fun and of course very spiritual.
The caretakers of the Land will look after much of this list of projects . Its not the intent to have Fae ones do all of this. There will be a direct benefit for all of us when these projects are completed. You may find one or more of the projects of interest. The goal is to maintain what is there, enhance the space for all of our enjoyment and ensure the Land continues to be a welcoming space for Fae ones into the future.
Don't be daunted by this list, many are simple projects, others will take a few years to happen.
Amberfox has seen a resurgence in the last two years and I am sure many of you are excited about this. Don't forget we have the Thanksgiving gathering October 7 - 10. We have many squash and pumpkins growing on the Land which should make for great meals and of course a few left over for carving and a ritual rolling carved pumpkins down the hill event at the end of the gathering!
MEdiTatiON HuT
September 16 - 18, 2011 Work and Play Weekend on The Land, AKA Amberfox
One week to go and we will begin building the floor of the MEdiTatiON HuT. We have all the materials needed. We just need you! We are also accepting donations for the completion of the project in the Spring.
We will take time on the weekend to discuss what materials we will need to complete the project. So if you know where we can get good deals on materials, let us know then.
If you have a particular dish you would like to make for the weekend, bring along the ingredients and or let us know ahead of time so we can be sure to have the stuff there so you can make it.
Looking forward to a fun weekend with all our fae friends.
One week to go and we will begin building the floor of the MEdiTatiON HuT. We have all the materials needed. We just need you! We are also accepting donations for the completion of the project in the Spring.
We will take time on the weekend to discuss what materials we will need to complete the project. So if you know where we can get good deals on materials, let us know then.
If you have a particular dish you would like to make for the weekend, bring along the ingredients and or let us know ahead of time so we can be sure to have the stuff there so you can make it.
Looking forward to a fun weekend with all our fae friends.
Monday, August 08, 2011
morning time
I love the mornings on The Land. The sky is always different and spectacular in its own way. The weekend after the gathering I was on The Land. I took this picture at 4:45 am. It was much more stunning than I have been able to produce in the photo, still it conveys the magik of the place for me.
Click on image for full size...
Tuesday, August 02, 2011
I can hardly wait for the next gathering ---
The big summer gathering has come and gone, what a gathering! It was one of the best and enjoyed by one of our largest groups to gather on the land in years. Along with the other two gatherings this year, there has been a happy growth, people of all generations have found a place to mix it up, to be, to enjoy the land and those that journey there.
The big summer gathering has come and gone, what a gathering! It was one of the best and enjoyed by one of our largest groups to gather on the land in years. Along with the other two gatherings this year, there has been a happy growth, people of all generations have found a place to mix it up, to be, to enjoy the land and those that journey there.

From heart circles to the Know Talent Shows we have a welcoming and inviting group aka tribe, drawing like minded people together, to celebrate our life journey, to find happiness in some cases, to share it in others, to unburden each other if only for a few days, where fae ones can be themselves.

This gathering also saw the beginning of the meditation hut, a desired thing for years, now the footings have been poured. More in another post of this effort to fulfil the needs of fae ones later this week.
Here are some more pics of The Land, AKA Amber Fox and our recent gathering...

The inner child "sprayed" out and it wasn't just boy ricky as Goldenrod displays his playfulness and Gwo shares a moment with the Nasty.
Days were filled with much frivolity, fabulous meals of the vegetarian order, sustained with assistance of the lands gardens.
And dear Peaches prepares for either a great dinner or fabulous show, its always the same with our Peach! Making dinner, performing or cleaning up on the last morning. Its full speed ahead!
The Land aka Amber Fox is a place for gay and queer identified men. We come from all over Canada and the United States to attend gatherings. Join us in celebrating and giving to the land that sustains and nurtures our spirits and our lives
From heart circles to the Know Talent Shows we have a welcoming and inviting group aka tribe, drawing like minded people together, to celebrate our life journey, to find happiness in some cases, to share it in others, to unburden each other if only for a few days, where fae ones can be themselves.
This gathering also saw the beginning of the meditation hut, a desired thing for years, now the footings have been poured. More in another post of this effort to fulfil the needs of fae ones later this week.
Here are some more pics of The Land, AKA Amber Fox and our recent gathering...
The inner child "sprayed" out and it wasn't just boy ricky as Goldenrod displays his playfulness and Gwo shares a moment with the Nasty.
And dear Peaches prepares for either a great dinner or fabulous show, its always the same with our Peach! Making dinner, performing or cleaning up on the last morning. Its full speed ahead!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Resolved to sing no songs to-day but those of manly attachment
Calamus begins with a poem that reads like a Call for a Radical Faerie Gathering:
In paths untrodden,
In the growth by margins of pond waters,
Escaped from the life that exhibits itself,
From all the standards hitherto published -- from the pleasures, profits, conformities,
Which too long I was offering to feed my Soul;
Clear to me now, standards not yet published—clear to me that my Soul,
That the Soul of the man I speak for, feeds, rejoices only in comrades;
Here, by myself, away from the clank of the world,
Tallying and talked to here by tongues aromatic,
No longer abashed -- for in this secluded spot I can respond as I would not dare elsewhere,
Strong upon me the life that does not exhibit itself, yet contains all the rest,
Resolved to sing no songs to-day but those of manly attachment,
Projecting them along that substantial life,
Bequeathing, hence, types of athletic love
In the growth by margins of pond waters,
Escaped from the life that exhibits itself,
From all the standards hitherto published -- from the pleasures, profits, conformities,
Which too long I was offering to feed my Soul;
Clear to me now, standards not yet published—clear to me that my Soul,
That the Soul of the man I speak for, feeds, rejoices only in comrades;
Here, by myself, away from the clank of the world,
Tallying and talked to here by tongues aromatic,
No longer abashed -- for in this secluded spot I can respond as I would not dare elsewhere,
Strong upon me the life that does not exhibit itself, yet contains all the rest,
Resolved to sing no songs to-day but those of manly attachment,
Projecting them along that substantial life,
Bequeathing, hence, types of athletic love
Afternoon, this delicious Ninth Month, in my forty-first year,
I proceed, for all who are, or have been, young men,
To tell the secret of my nights and days,
To celebrate the need of comrades.
I proceed, for all who are, or have been, young men,
To tell the secret of my nights and days,
To celebrate the need of comrades.
- Walt Whitman
From White Crane
From White Crane
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
High Summer Gathering
This is it. Our 24th annual gathering. July 27 - August 1, 2011. Come share the joy together, renew your body and soul.
A few days with fabulous Fae boys from all over. We want you to be part of something you will remember, because were going to remember you!
The High Tea, mid summer is our ultimate and best attended gathering. Its full of fun, vitality, grand fires and spiritual undertakings for all.
The departure lounge beckons as does the infamous bunkhouse. With all that add many fabulous tenter abodes on MayPOle Cock de Sac, Path of the Snake Bend, and of course the view from Labyrinthine Heights.
Coffee brews magikly each morning, the erection rises with such elixir, ready to provide all the joy you can handle.
The Know Talent show promises to be our biggest show ever.
Appearances expected by the great Shyanne, Peaches, Pinkie, Boy ricky has a brand new film to début,
Dragon to offer up better than live Streisand, Two of three Erics plan separate numbers and perhaps one Jonathan will tickle to ivories, Ryan will tickle the ivories as well.

And the dangling 'Fae one Claude' will perform in a magical number with two others including Chiplandia.
Then there is the daily dips in the river, the trek to the sauna, the return of drumming circles, processions to match the heart circles, and an art paint group project.
Workshops on cheese making, bread kneading, make up for the Butch and or Fem fae boys, much music and of course you can be as active as in you wish. My my you could be a very busy faerie or you could watch.
The Land aka Amber Fox is a place for gay and queer men. We come from all over Canada and the United States to attend gatherings. Join us in celebrating and giving to the land that sustains and nurtures our spirits and our lives.
A few days with fabulous Fae boys from all over. We want you to be part of something you will remember, because were going to remember you!
The High Tea, mid summer is our ultimate and best attended gathering. Its full of fun, vitality, grand fires and spiritual undertakings for all.
Coffee brews magikly each morning, the erection rises with such elixir, ready to provide all the joy you can handle.
The Know Talent show promises to be our biggest show ever.
Appearances expected by the great Shyanne, Peaches, Pinkie, Boy ricky has a brand new film to début,
And the dangling 'Fae one Claude' will perform in a magical number with two others including Chiplandia.
Then there is the daily dips in the river, the trek to the sauna, the return of drumming circles, processions to match the heart circles, and an art paint group project.
Workshops on cheese making, bread kneading, make up for the Butch and or Fem fae boys, much music and of course you can be as active as in you wish. My my you could be a very busy faerie or you could watch.
The Land aka Amber Fox is a place for gay and queer men. We come from all over Canada and the United States to attend gatherings. Join us in celebrating and giving to the land that sustains and nurtures our spirits and our lives.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Canada Day Gathering Coming soon, Get it on your Mind!
It's one of the most fun gatherings for queer men in the Radical Faerie Tradition. Its popular with American and Canadian Fae ones as it falls on Canada Day and Independence Day.
There will be daily dips in the river, saunas, heart circles, and the return of Fetish NIGHT! A really big Know Talent Show to go with the new awesome Tech stuff we have brought together.
Besides the usual crafty stuff you can share with others or pick up from others we await your ideas. Maybe a group art project.
The food is awesome and vegetarian. We cook communal meals, sit down and enjoy them together in the Erection. There is much fun to be had by all.
Our gatherings are getting bigger and more diverse. Look forward to seeing many others in a judgmental free space. You get to be you. If you like time alone, the land and area is beautiful in the summer. The Land provides many awesome places to be alone or together.
Of course the Gatherings at Amberfox are famous for among other things, the gourmet food and the ritualistic (Just plain Spectacular) fires and good people.
One Fae tradition is to dress (or not) in spectacular outfits. Remember, everyone at AmberFox is a star, so this is your chance to dress the part. Need help putting an outfit together? The Foxy Boutique is well stocked and plenty of boys will help you look the part. Boy drag, girl drag, animal drag, even tree or straight drag is cool. Then again, the less adornment one has, can often be the best. Its your call!
Its time to start planning. We provide free pick up at the bus in Perth or the train station in Smith Falls and we promise to get you back for your return bus or train. Just try to give us 12 hours notice, so we don't miss you!
We can also work to assist matching people up with rides from Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa.
We ask that you feed the Purse $25 per day. More if you can less if you can't. The land and facilities are made available by the owner and the Amberfox Faeries. Its only possible if the Purse does well.
Join us on Canada Day for rites of summer, AmberFox is a place for gay and queer men. We come from all over Canada and the United States to attend gatherings. Join us in celebrating and giving to the land that sustains and nurtures our spirits and our lives.
There will be daily dips in the river, saunas, heart circles, and the return of Fetish NIGHT! A really big Know Talent Show to go with the new awesome Tech stuff we have brought together.
Besides the usual crafty stuff you can share with others or pick up from others we await your ideas. Maybe a group art project.
The food is awesome and vegetarian. We cook communal meals, sit down and enjoy them together in the Erection. There is much fun to be had by all.
Our gatherings are getting bigger and more diverse. Look forward to seeing many others in a judgmental free space. You get to be you. If you like time alone, the land and area is beautiful in the summer. The Land provides many awesome places to be alone or together.
Of course the Gatherings at Amberfox are famous for among other things, the gourmet food and the ritualistic (Just plain Spectacular) fires and good people.
One Fae tradition is to dress (or not) in spectacular outfits. Remember, everyone at AmberFox is a star, so this is your chance to dress the part. Need help putting an outfit together? The Foxy Boutique is well stocked and plenty of boys will help you look the part. Boy drag, girl drag, animal drag, even tree or straight drag is cool. Then again, the less adornment one has, can often be the best. Its your call!
Its time to start planning. We provide free pick up at the bus in Perth or the train station in Smith Falls and we promise to get you back for your return bus or train. Just try to give us 12 hours notice, so we don't miss you!
We can also work to assist matching people up with rides from Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa.
We ask that you feed the Purse $25 per day. More if you can less if you can't. The land and facilities are made available by the owner and the Amberfox Faeries. Its only possible if the Purse does well.
Join us on Canada Day for rites of summer, AmberFox is a place for gay and queer men. We come from all over Canada and the United States to attend gatherings. Join us in celebrating and giving to the land that sustains and nurtures our spirits and our lives.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
When Fae Boys get together
Monday, May 09, 2011
Gathering info for Victoria Day weekend
Coming to the Land for Victoria Day? It looks like it will be very nice weather. This is Ontario though so anything could happen. You will want to be prepared. Suggest you bring your tent, a foamie to sleep on, a good sleeping bag, warm clothes in case of chilly nights, something to keep the rain off should it dare drip on us, and of course what would spring be like without some flies and mosquitoes. It can be buggy and then maybe not. (We do have some limited indoor space for those without a tent!)
It would be good to bring your choice of bug repellent. You can minimize bug bites by showering, (we have a fabulous shower) do not use soaps or shampoos with smelly stuff. Your sweat is like an elixir from the goddess for these flying creatures.
Our meals are all vegetarian. Not Vegan, though we could do that for some peeps. Meals are prepared communally, so no need to bring ingredients, we will put together a list from menu ideas people have when they arrive. If you have a recipe you like, bring a copy of it so we can put it in our collection of nummy eats. We ask for $25 per day. That helps cover the cost of food, propane, insurance and upkeep.
If you play a musical instrument that you can carry, feel welcome to bring it. The Know Talent Show could use your help! If not up to that, playing music outside is awesome around the fire or anytime!
Need more info or directions, email me here .
It would be good to bring your choice of bug repellent. You can minimize bug bites by showering, (we have a fabulous shower) do not use soaps or shampoos with smelly stuff. Your sweat is like an elixir from the goddess for these flying creatures.
Our meals are all vegetarian. Not Vegan, though we could do that for some peeps. Meals are prepared communally, so no need to bring ingredients, we will put together a list from menu ideas people have when they arrive. If you have a recipe you like, bring a copy of it so we can put it in our collection of nummy eats. We ask for $25 per day. That helps cover the cost of food, propane, insurance and upkeep.
If you play a musical instrument that you can carry, feel welcome to bring it. The Know Talent Show could use your help! If not up to that, playing music outside is awesome around the fire or anytime!
Need more info or directions, email me here .
Friday, May 06, 2011
Victoria Day Weekend - 2011
Its Victoria day weekend coming up! Are we ready to welcome spring to the Land? The Land is wide awake and as each day goes by we see more life leaping forward. The trees are are almost leafed out, the grass is a rich green, flowers are beginning to bloom, and your queer selfs will surely bring it great pleasure.
The Victoria Day weekend will be the first Gathering of the year and it looks to be a great year on the land. A big garden will be planted, the erection awaits to host the Know Talent Show. The promise of great sustenance assures us we are the gourmet food gathering on the Fae circuit.
We have an erection project this year. Its a place to meditate, to enjoy the peace, the bonding and what ever else one does with erections such as the Fae inspired ones that leap to mind. Your input is desired.
This Victoria Day I am told that Geneva, Chiplandia and two secret acts will perform for us. If you want to share your talents in the Know Talent Show, you would make us all so happy. Bring your instruments, drums are great, your voice or enthusiasm.
The bunkhouse calls, the departure lounge welcomes, the sauna invites, the erection warms, the Land holds, Fae ones together, reuniting our tribe, inviting young and old, big and small, you and me and them too.
R U Coming? Lets us NO so we can plan! #Fae #Radialfaeries #AKAAMBERFOX #queer #Gay
The Victoria Day weekend will be the first Gathering of the year and it looks to be a great year on the land. A big garden will be planted, the erection awaits to host the Know Talent Show. The promise of great sustenance assures us we are the gourmet food gathering on the Fae circuit.
As usual there will be a ritual opening of thanks around a giant fire to cleanse the land and our spirits. A Trek to the Maple Bush to remember those that left us. A Know Talent Show, and I am sure a few encounters with the alien baby could be in order.
We have an erection project this year. Its a place to meditate, to enjoy the peace, the bonding and what ever else one does with erections such as the Fae inspired ones that leap to mind. Your input is desired.
This Victoria Day I am told that Geneva, Chiplandia and two secret acts will perform for us. If you want to share your talents in the Know Talent Show, you would make us all so happy. Bring your instruments, drums are great, your voice or enthusiasm.
The bunkhouse calls, the departure lounge welcomes, the sauna invites, the erection warms, the Land holds, Fae ones together, reuniting our tribe, inviting young and old, big and small, you and me and them too.
R U Coming? Lets us NO so we can plan! #Fae #Radialfaeries #AKAAMBERFOX #queer #Gay
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Amberfox gatherings
Here it is, if you have been waiting fae ones. We await your return to the land, nestled in the heart of Lanark County, Ontario Canada. This is a place for queer men to be, to experiance all we can be together.
Victoria Day
May 2o - 23, 2011
Canada Day
July 1 - 4, 2011
24th Annual High Summer Gathering
July 27 - August 1, 2011
Thanksgiving Gatherette
October 7 - 10, 2011
Victoria Day
May 2o - 23, 2011
Canada Day
July 1 - 4, 2011
24th Annual High Summer Gathering
July 27 - August 1, 2011
Thanksgiving Gatherette
October 7 - 10, 2011
Ricky and Issac pair up for Gender Bender Beltane
Boy Ricky and Perseid De Belle Rue will use the land for a Gender Inclusive event. Though not an Amber Fox Faerie gathering, all Fae ones are encouraged to join us for Beltane. It will be vegetarian delights in the tradition of our fabulous culinary tradition.
Beltane Celebrations fall on April 30th and May 1st, soon indeed! We all hope that you can join our circle at Amberfox and share in this historic gathering on the Land. Let's be honest- couldn't we all use a little more faerie magic in our lives? Winter is OVER, the land is waking up and it's time to shake some queer spirit (and booty).
Beltane is as old as the fracking hills and a radical faerie stand-by. Traditionally it's a celebration of Spring, fertility, good fortune and good harvests to come, though for those of us this far North it's also something of a victory party for Spring and life over our longest season by far, Winter. (Not that we're the only faeries partying- trust me.)
This will be the first time we celebrate Beltane at Amberfox and this weekend will be gender-inclusive. Those of gender queer bent are welcome. We are hoping for many visitors from near and far. Suggested donation is 25$ per day. That includes meals- delicious ones hand prepared and keeping up the land and its many facilities. It may be a bit chilly, but don't worry, the Land has enough infrastructure to keep everyone warm, and the bonfires will keep everyone toasty.
Beltane is known for it's great bonfires and fire-play, especially on the eve beforehand, and has countless manifestations and names, though most include fire in their festivities. April 30th there will be a bonfire party and purification of the cavity where the may pole will stand. Last there will be a Know Talent Show. The next day at noon, May 1st, we will have our Beltane ceremony and raise the maypole (oh yes, you know we weren't going to leave the cavity unfilled darlins').
If you wish to camp you are more than welcome to and there is plenty of space. The Land is beautiful and spacious and we hope to share it with you. : )
This is Ontario so you need to be ready for any kind of weather. Bring warm clothes, a good sleeping bag, or a big quilt or blankets, a flash light, a change of clothes if its rainy and of course bring your happy clothing too. You are welcome to wear any or no clothing, its Beltane after all. The mosquito's might be interested in Beltane too but they are not always around. We have many outfits for you in the Foxy Boutique if you can't bring your own.
For more information on Beltane, you can visit the Radical Faerie website here
or the Wikipedia page here.
Beltane Celebrations fall on April 30th and May 1st, soon indeed! We all hope that you can join our circle at Amberfox and share in this historic gathering on the Land. Let's be honest- couldn't we all use a little more faerie magic in our lives? Winter is OVER, the land is waking up and it's time to shake some queer spirit (and booty).
Beltane is as old as the fracking hills and a radical faerie stand-by. Traditionally it's a celebration of Spring, fertility, good fortune and good harvests to come, though for those of us this far North it's also something of a victory party for Spring and life over our longest season by far, Winter. (Not that we're the only faeries partying- trust me.)
This will be the first time we celebrate Beltane at Amberfox and this weekend will be gender-inclusive. Those of gender queer bent are welcome. We are hoping for many visitors from near and far. Suggested donation is 25$ per day. That includes meals- delicious ones hand prepared and keeping up the land and its many facilities. It may be a bit chilly, but don't worry, the Land has enough infrastructure to keep everyone warm, and the bonfires will keep everyone toasty.
Beltane is known for it's great bonfires and fire-play, especially on the eve beforehand, and has countless manifestations and names, though most include fire in their festivities. April 30th there will be a bonfire party and purification of the cavity where the may pole will stand. Last there will be a Know Talent Show. The next day at noon, May 1st, we will have our Beltane ceremony and raise the maypole (oh yes, you know we weren't going to leave the cavity unfilled darlins').
If you wish to camp you are more than welcome to and there is plenty of space. The Land is beautiful and spacious and we hope to share it with you. : )
This is Ontario so you need to be ready for any kind of weather. Bring warm clothes, a good sleeping bag, or a big quilt or blankets, a flash light, a change of clothes if its rainy and of course bring your happy clothing too. You are welcome to wear any or no clothing, its Beltane after all. The mosquito's might be interested in Beltane too but they are not always around. We have many outfits for you in the Foxy Boutique if you can't bring your own.
For more information on Beltane, you can visit the Radical Faerie website here
or the Wikipedia page here.
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