Amber Fox in late summer. So much is changing on The Land. I can hardly wait for fall, though some mornings here have that fall feeling, nippy, sharp and still air, the deer are getting more wary, though still, they don't do more than leap and bound more than 20 or 30 metres from you.
Next gathering is on the Thanksgiving weekend, Canadian style. The second weekend in October, hope to see many of you there!
We will have many fun things to do like drain water pipes, board up windows, tidy it up before the blanket of snow covers it and spring rolls it back.
This time of year is exceptionally beautiful at the land. Warm days, cool evenings, and most importantly NO BUGS. Particularly after Lobour Day when most of the influx of tourist have gone, and the "let's just get back to work" crowd is getting ready for the deep reds, yellows, browns and other amazing colours that make up "fall"
hi! i'm not a gay male-type, but i am a queer girl born and raised in the lanark highlands, and therefore pretty impressed that the existence of such a place as amber fox has remained completely unknown to me for, oh, about twenty years now. then again, i can be pretty oblivious to stuff, so perhaps it's not all that surprising. *shrug* anyhow, the notion makes me happy, since i just happened to stumble across the amber fox website while i was looking up radical faerie groups as research for a play i'm writing which touches upon the existence of a radical faerie gathering (perhaps) somewhere in eastern ontario (it's kind of left vague on purpose, but it's secretly all about these parts). heh. the fact that such gatherings apparently happen around here wins many points. hurrah!
dumdedum. carry on, then.
Hi em'ly. We've not heard about you either/Lanark Highlands has lots going on.....the only way we can contact you is writing to you here on the blog and perhaps you'll read this post. if you do and are up for it, you could email us at
it would be cool to hear back from you
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