Friday, May 19, 2006

News from Amber Fox

The Gatherette will be blogged!
Some restrictions may apply*

The Victoria Day weekend gatherette has officially begun!

Here on the Land we're enjoying a mostly sunny day after a week of daily showers and thunderstorms. The green green grass loves the rain, so much so that it's feet high in places. Fortunately, mow-boy energy is happening.

Look, here's a Faerie now, enjoying the great outdoors as he takes his mower for a stroll.....

See how friendly he is?

Don't worry, he won't bite (hard).

Mowers, mowers everywhere (okay, two). Here's the second proud steed, parked outside the Departure Lounge, cooling off before hitting the sauna lawn.

We at Amber Fox love to mow. The paths. The laneway. The trail to the maple bush. The Labyrinth.

Fortunately there's lots of mowing to do!

And as we look into the vista, our gaze traveling across the unmown fields, our mow-crazy brains can only think...
"And miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep."

*We're off the grid, on a 52K modem connection, on a party line, and sometimes blogger doesn't work so hot.


Boy Ricky said...

It looks great, Who is that Faerie mowing the grass. Looks like it maybe over the legal limit

Boy Ricky said...

My little horse must think it's queer

To stop without a farmhouse near

Between the woods and frozen lake

The darkest evening of the year.

Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening

I like Robert Frost!